In the Netherlands, between 1994 and 2001 the number of households with an income below the low-income threshold fell from 970.000 to a little more than 636.000 (9.8% of the total population in 2001). However, this downward trend reversed in 2003. In 2004 the number of Dutch households with an income below the low-income threshold is expected to rise to 11% of the total population. The SCP explains the new upward trend in poor households by the rise of insurance premiums, fiscal measures and a cut down in housing benefits (SCP 2003).
In this report we focus on social inclusion policy and the implementations of policy measures on the local level. In this second report of the Verwey-Jonker Institute on the implementation of the Dutch NAP/inclusion, we will answer the central question how the implementation of the NAP/inclusion is being assessed at the local level.